This is your SolarWakeup for March 13th, 2013.

A moment of personal privilege…after Hurricane Sandy, I wrote about the beach in Fort Lauderdale I visit regularly.  The disappearance of the beach and two lanes of road has been one of the greatest environmental disasters that has not been covered by any national news outlets.  A few pictures below of the $5mm temporary project which includes a quarter mile of steel curtains driven into the ground.  Let’s stop reacting and become proactive of the real impacts of the status quo.


Steel Curtain

The County and City is piling a 45 foot curtain into the ground to artificially keep the road from further collapsing into the ocean


At low tide, the waves end about 20 feet from the wall at high tide crashing against the wall and bringing the sand up with it.


High Tide line away from the curtain, impacts are wider than the construction project

High Tide line away from the curtain, impacts are wider than the construction project





Have a great day!
