Today we are going to start with a joke, a short video/commercial from EEI. This week you will hear plenty about successful defeats of NEM attacks but also plenty of VOSTs (Value of Solar Tariffs). VOSTs sound great but what is behind them may not be so clear. We’ll get to the bottom of it this week. In the meantime, see a piece from SolarWakeup contributor, Chip Martin, about the importance of Net Metering.
- Forbes: Steven Chu Solves Utility Companies’ Death Spiral
- RE World: How Do We Really Protect the Grid from the Bad Guys?
- Think Progress: Solar Power Is Now Just As Cheap As Conventional Electricity
- GTM: Retired CPUC Commissioner Takes Aim at CAISO’s Duck Curve
- CleanTechnica: Italy, Spain, & Germany Hit Commercial Solar Grid Parity
- IEEE: Minnesota Finds Net Metering Undervalues Rooftop Solar
- RE World: FERC Order 1000 Has Its Day in Court
- Solar Industry: Solar PV Industry Targets 100 GW Annual Deployment In 2018
Have a great day!