1st Quarter data is out from GTM. The big headline is that residential is outpacing commercial, which really should be measured as residential versus government. The residential sector has been outpacing private commercial for quite a while and even longer when you pull out systems that are on commercial buildings but not behind the meter. Congrats to the residential players, over a dozen markets are active and the megawatts are growing, not sure how the utility players feel about that though.
- Bloomberg: U.S. Solar Power Rises 79% as Home Panels Beat Warehouses
- Think Progress: Rooftop Solar’s Emerging Markets Are In Middle-Class
- GTM: How Fossil Fuel Interests Are Funding State RPS Battles
- Gigaom: We don’t need solar roadways, we need to unleash panels
- Vox: Obama is planning his biggest climate policy yet without Congress
- CleanTechnica: What Will The Solar Industry Be Like After 2016?
- GTM: California Moves Closer to Streamlined Solar Permitting
- NY Times: US Chamber Sees Cheap Climate Protection
- AZ Central: Utilities should supply and pay for solar panels
Have a great day!