This is your SolarWakeup for June 27th, 2014

So much in today’s rundown about the same topic that it requires more space. It is a tale of two States, one (Massachusetts) very much embracing solar as part of the energy portfolio, creating thousands of jobs and generating millions in revenues. The other (Florida) has one of the best net metering standards in the Country, because of the work open dialogue solar and utilities enjoyed. As you see in today’s first story, … continue reading below or click here



So much in today’s rundown about the same topic that it requires more space. It is a tale of two States, one (Massachusetts) very much embracing solar as part of the energy portfolio, creating thousands of jobs and generating millions in revenues. The other (Florida) has one of the best net metering standards in the Country, because of the work open dialogue solar and utilities enjoyed. As you see in today’s first story, a story I am unfortunately involved in, Florida’s utilities have unanimously chosen to say no thank you to solar. More specifically, they told solar to go take a hike. They have reasons and excuses but we all know why, they know that solar is cheaper than grid electricity and has no fuel cost volatility.

So while National Grid CEO joins SunRun CEO to pen an article about how working together allows Massachusetts continue its growth into the 21st century energy economy. Florida utilities will look forward to keeping the State I call home on the path to 75% natural gas. I have hope, and look forward to writing an article about the start of an enormous solar market in Florida with my friend, Eric Silagy (CEO of Florida Power & Light). After all both of us are staunch believers in intellectual honesty.

Have a great day! Yann