This is your SolarWakeup for July 21st, 2014

The yin and yang of solar related messages in our highlighted headlines is intriguing and points to the industry’s growing clout. “We couldn’t figure out why not to do it.” “It’s a no brainer.” Consumer voices heard in mainstream media are mirrored by financial recommendations for buying into the solar sector. Swinging to a perceived dark side of the solar value proposition is angst about glare from California’s Ivanpah installation causing problems with area flights and leasing contracts stymieing home sales. We as an industry are not on the sidelines of energy generation any longer. We are in the proverbial “ring.” As Ucilia Wang reports in Forbes, it’s a bullish outlook for the U.S. solar market. With the limelight of becoming a major player, we also shoulder the insults and incoming tomatoes. Let’s make sauce.

Glenna Wiseman in for Yann Brandt




Have a great day!