This is your SolarWakeup for July 23rd, 2014

Get the feeling we are “running just as fast as we can, holding onto one another’s hands?”  Adrenaline junkies need look no farther than a participatory role in the solar industry for a speed based rush. Agility, quick response time and synchronized team work are necessary arrows in the modern solar company’s quiver, no matter what role the firm plays in the supply chain or calls home on the planet.   Evidence of a swiftly changing landscape include today’s look at 2Q 2014 funding, PV supplier manufacturing and the playing field of microgrids and utilities. Need more evidence?  Check out Jennifer Runyon’s piece on energy storage.  Heady stuff in our fast paced solar race. While Tommy James & The Shondells captured sentiments in 1967 relevant to the solar revolution today, we are certainly not alone anymore.

Glenna Wiseman in for Yann Brandt




Have a great day!