Can we blame Apple for the bankruptcy of GT Advanced Technologies? Even all of the new solar manufacturing capacity is actually consolidating existing infrastructure in many cases. Especially given the ongoing fight against solar manufacturers by Solarworld, there is little certainty for investors. It seems that Solarworld is now asking to expand the duties even further.
- PV Magazine: GT Advanced Technologies files for chapter 11 bankruptcy
- Breaking Energy: What Modern Cities Want From Their Utilities. (It Ain’t Pretty.)
- Think Progress: Why Solar Power Is Taking Off At Airports Across The Country
- PV-Tech: Vivint Solar CEO hints at future expansion plans
- Seeking Alpha: 10 Reasons Why SolarCity, Vivint Solar, And RGS Energy Are Destined To Fail
- The Energy Collective: Calibrating Solar Energy’s Growth Potential
- RE World: Are UK Renewable Energy Contracts Hurting Consumers?
- Solar Industry Mag: Hawaiian Electric’s Solar Plans Put New Focus On DG Interconnection
Have a great day!