We all know that solar is getting cheaper, but how cheap is it really getting. We’ve heard about the sub 6 cent PPAs in Texas and California so what does it take to get that done. Many of these projects have single axis trackers and the norm was 1000V setups. Is there a new trend happening to go above 1000V? And how much premium on the install side does single axis tracking get you? If you have some insight on this, I’d love to hear your economics analysis on going after more sun hours.
- Utility Dive: Why SRP’s controversial demand charge unlocks a huge opportunity for solar-plus-storage
- Think Progress: California Will Soon Be Home To The Country’s Largest Floating Solar Array
- Energy Collective: Money and Policy Now Support Renewables
- CNBC: Solar powered aircraft – A flight of fancy?
- PV-Magazine: SolarCity partners with DirecTV on marketing deal
- RE World: Is Solar Really Contagious or Is Persuasion Driving Neighborhood Solar Adoption?
- Greentech Media: The Challenge of Unlocking Solar Capacity in the Pacific Islands
- KSAT: CPS Energy program puts solar panels on customers’ roofs
Have a great day!