Today’s top story is symbolic of some recent things we have seen in the news and in social media. One group, Solar Secrets, made its rounds in the solar circles on Facebook after having some door canvassers knock on the wrong door. That group is part of the conservative, anti-solar movement funded by Koch Bros and their allies. Interestingly, not all conservatives are anti-solar, some are very much pro-solar given free-market principles that resonate with them. A hire in solar that hasn’t become too public is a recent addition at Sunrun in the policy team. The team (which is A+) added Tyson Grinstead who comes to Sunrun as the former political director for Senator Lindsey Graham, a politician not entirely known for his ties to clean energy. Welcome to solar Tyson!
- Think Progress: Smithsonian Stands By Wildly Misleading Climate Change Exhibit Paid For By Kochs
- RE World: Building On a Strong Foundation – The Critical Need for Updated Interconnection Policies
- Business Journals: Sun block – D.C. bill would require compensation when solar access obstructed
- EDF: In Austin, Clean Energy Innovators Are Helping to Alleviate Energy Poverty
- Huffington Post: The Emergence and Importance of President Obama’s Climate Policy
- Bloomberg: See-Through Solar Is Tomorrow’s Threat to Oil
- PV-Magazine: Energy Union – Germany, Norway to link grids
- Utility Dive: If the center doesn’t hold – Why the electric power industry could one day collapse
Have a great day!