A special message to my dear friends who are current Public Service Commissioners reading this morning. Please read the op-ed from the APS regulatory affairs team about how “normal” it is for you to be texting with the representatives of the companies you oversee. It’s also fine to call and write each other. However, it is not okay for the messages to be saved for public records so they can be reviewed by the ratepayers you are supposed to represent. Let’s make it very clear, APS is going out on a limb and is preparing to bungee jump from a tiny little branch. A move that is bad for the company, the shareholders and anyone that buys this messaging while serving their community as a PSC member may want to look for a new way to serve.
- AZ Central: Solar companies only lash out because they’re losing
- PV-Tech: China poised to cut list of solar companies in EU price undertaking
- Renewable Energy World: The Big Question – What Is the Most Frustrating Part about Working in Renewable Energy?
- PV-Magazine: SunPower files lawsuit against SunEdison, former employees for poaching trade secrets
- Grist: You’re obsessing about the wrong home energy uses
- Solar Industry: Community Solar Has Dropped Barriers For Energy Providers And Consumers
- Utility Dive: Inside Minnesota’s legislative battle over utility rate structures and solar
- Think Progress: Georgetown University Votes To Divest From Coal
Have a great day!