Newsflash! Net metering is good for consumers. You don’t have to take my word for it, listen to the experts hired by utility commissions and the non-partisan Brookings Institute. Yesterday, another report was put out by SolarCity and NRDC that reiterated the benefit to Nevada consumers. That’s why I started the SolarPledge last year to push for the ITC extension and keeping full net metering in place around the Country. All this talk about rate design and cost shifting is fancy PR talk by EEI and the utilities that feel threatened by solar. Their problem is inaction however, DG solar in NV would have been a minor blip on the radar but NV Energy’s attitude caused MGM to leave and take 5% of its load with it. The other IOUs should be worried about that instead.
- Brookings Institute: Rooftop solar – Net metering is a net benefit
- NRDC: Customer Investments in Solar Energy Benefit All Nevadans – $7 Million–$14 Million Per Year
- PV-Magazine: Germany considers new taxes for renewable energy consumers
- Renewable Energy World: Viva La Revolución – Giving Power to the People with Distributed Generation
- Energy Collective: How Fast Could the Market for Electric Vehicles Grow?
- PV-Tech: Solar’s US$400 billion of health and environmental benefits for the US
- Renew Economy: Networks discover that rooftop solar is no longer the enemy
- Utility Dive: California boasts some of the lowest per-capita energy usage in the US, report says
Have a great day!