This is your SolarWakeup for August 12th, 2016

Sunrun was the last of the big 3 residential companies to announce their earnings after market yesterday (stock is up 15% as of this writing). The tally is 65MW for Sunrun, 201MW for SolarCity and 61MW for Vivint Solar, the links will take you to the quarter presentations. If you listened to the webcast by Sunrun’s management team, you would have heard some trends to note. Asked about the acquisition of SolarCity by Tesla, management sees Tesla is an ally for education and regulations which should increase consumer understand of solar. Solar is part of a $500billion retail energy sector and management expects a longer term trend that leases will be more important to loans because of changes to the tax credit and potential for energy management aspects included in storage. Creating some new expectations for the market from late last year the companies see more reasoned growth coming as all of the companies have lowered their guidance when compared to a year ago. Generally speaking, I expect much more consolidation in this space beyond the TSLA/SCTY acquisition, so expect more deal making ahead.

Additionally, apologies if you tried to listen to the NV podcast yesterday. The wrong file was uploaded but you can now find the correct file here.


Have a great day!
