This is your SolarWakeup for October 19th, 2016

Solar still has quite some learning to do when it comes to playing insider baseball. I actually think that we have taken a few steps back in the past year in this regard as we feel the need to ‘grow up’. Solar has won a lot of battles over the past few years primarily because we have been fighting with politicians that care about their image. In Florida things are different. We are in the middle of a nasty ballot fight. The ballot amendment is an anti-solar amendment masqueraded as pro-solar which barely passed the approval of the Supreme Court. However, after $20million+++ spent by the utilities to potentially tie the hands of the regulators. Net metering could well end as we know it after some wrangling at the PSC. But here is the interesting story of the day. One of the participants in the hoodwinking of the public went on a panel and told the insider’s story. A case of political jiu-jitsu as he referred to it and giving the utilities exactly what they want. Learn more about the lessons from Amendment 1 in a special edition #SolarChat this Thursday at 1pm Eastern Time where I will be joined on a panel to discuss these issues and more.


Have a great day!
