This is your SolarWakeup for February 24th, 2017

Covering Innovation. Danny Kennedy has been in solar for a long time and hes been fighting for the clean energy economy for decades. Now he is leading CALCEF and deploying capital and grants to the best and brightest trying to change the world and our industries. We spoke to Danny in our latest EnergyWakeup about his funds and how the capital can get into entrepreneur’s hands. Next week is the deadline for a great program called Free Electrons ( which is funded in partnership with the World’s largest utilities. If you are in the utility space, get your application in ASAP.

Pot meet kettle. The economist got this one wrong, very wrong. While highlighting the huge growth of the renewable energy space it pointed out that the marginal value of most solar and wind is zero. The next electron doesn’t cost anything to produce. So instead, the article says the market needs to subsidize solar and wind to keep it profitable. That’s crazy talk. What the market will move to is proper price signaling. A more transparent market will lead to more choice and lower cost for consumers in all segments of the market.


Have a great day!
