NY Promise. Governor Cuomo of New York is betting big on the energy transition to renewables. Community solar, energy storage and offshore wind getting big wins in New York which is a welcome development for the local solar market. We will be discussing REV, solar credit values (VDERs) and energy storage in New York with some of the leading developers at the New York SolarWakeup event on January 31st. If we sell enough tickets in the next week, we will get into a bigger space to make room for the discussion. Use WAKEUP25 to save 25% and get tickets here.
Hockey Curve. A few years ago, there was real pessimism about solar and renewables in Australia. The market has turned this around in a real way offering great ways for the grid to lower costs using solar pricing and large scale energy storage. It is foreseeable that the island grid can be fossil free in a relative short period of time. UK can present similar opportunities for grid flexibility systems.
WSJ Bait. Data, when taken out of context, really create the headline that a reporter wants. With the 201 case in full swing for almost all of 2017, I find it intriguing that the Wall Street Journal sees increased imports of solar equipment only due to the trade case. Pricing for modules were low in the summer already and most companies I have spoken to have not offered to take retroactive tariff risk from the supplier, which suppliers are requiring. My only assumption is that imports are based on previous POs that are guided into existing projects that have been developed for years, in line with the sworn testimony by NextEra at the ITC hearing in October.
Nuclear Bailout. With SCANA failing with their nuclear ambitions and potentially on the hook for millions in consumer refunds, Dominion is making a bid to acquire SCANA over some fierce competition. Investors see big opportunities in these regulated monopolies, working a few regulators instead of the competitive market is much easier and a bit of a stain on the politics around the Country. Consumers should and are pushing back on the value they are getting from their monopolies and politically speaking, candidates should be talking about the raw deal they are getting.
Twitter Debate. About the talk of R&D in energy versus constant marginal improvements, where do you fall on the debate? Do you think that a technology invention could be commercialized in a way that changes the world or is there another way to do this? Let me know your thoughts.
Tips. Reminder – you are welcome to send me tips, anonymously on solarwakeup.com or by sending me an email at Yann@SolarWakeup.com
- NRDC: Cuomo Promises Progress on Clean Energy, Environment in 2018
- PV-Magazine: Surging WA power prices to feed PV demand
- Wall Street Journal: Foreign Firms Rush Washers, Solar Panels Into U.S. Amid Trade Fears
- Southeast Energy News: Dominion Energy to buy South Carolina’s SCANA after nuclear project failure
- Rocky Mountain Institute: Top Ten Clean Energy Developments of 2017
- Utility Dive: New ITC report finds China ‘took advantage’ of US commitment to renewables
- Bloomberg: Utility M&A Is So Hot Not Even Berkshire’s Billions Won a Bid
- Sacramento Bee: Labor and solar companies must compromise on clean energy
Have a great day!