This is your SolarWakeup for March 9th, 2018

Storage Podcast. New podcast is up for you to listen to. Make sure you are subscribing on the podcast app of your choice and heading to iTunes and giving energyWakeup a 5-star rating. This week we have the CEO of FlexGen to talk about the benefits of dc-coupled energy storage. Adding storage to solar has never been easier.

More Trump Taxes. More Solar Taxes. The steel and aluminum tariffs are official. Canada and Mexico are spared however but there are a few impacts for you to consider. There isn’t enough American made commodity to satisfy all of our needs for the product so at the very least it increases the pricing locally. There is no apparent mechanism for the tariff to flow to US manufacturing, much like the solar tariff. These trade barriers only serve to increase the cost to US consumers.

Your Policy Task. Last week I told you what you could do to advance solar policy with your colleagues. This week I ask the same of you if you have manufacturing happening in your company. If you have workers making things then invite your State Representative/Senator or your Congressman to your facility and show them the type of jobs your company creates for your community. Explain how the solar market works and how global it is, that every tax/tariff hinders your ability to grow and create more jobs. Get it all on tape and put it on social media.

Big Wind. One offshore wind turbine for 12MW. That’s a big wind turbine.

CERAWeek. This week was some sort of oil and gas gathering that brought out some crazy quotes, especially from Secretary Zinke and Perry. It gives you some great insight on who they are working for. Hint – it’s not solar…

Sponsor. Get your message out to your customers, most of whom read this newsletter. Contact us for sponsorship opportunities for the newsletter and events. You can also get your ticket for SolarWakeup Live San Francisco (April 10th) right here Use code WAKEUP20 for 20% off.

Selection SundayEveryone’s dream is to write these words, I know. Now you have two different chances to do that. SolarWakeup is having the 1st annual March Madness bracket challenge and it’s free. Go to ESPN Tournament Challenge and search for SolarWakeup group. The password is GoSolar. The more folks we have, the more fun we will have. The winner gets to write the opening paragraph and promote their agenda, company or cause.


Have a great day!
