This is your SolarWakeup for May 4th, 2018

I hope you have a great weekend. Stay tuned for info about SolarWakeup Live! Chicago, the event you will not want to miss. A full day conversation about the hottest market in solar development..

New Podcast, Live! From Midwest Solar Expo. I speak with Greg Ridderbusch, the CEO of Connexus Energy, one of the largest utility cooperatives in the Country. If you want to learn more about the value proposition coops are looking for, listen to this conversation..

South Carolina Turn Around. Looks like SC is going to get a NEM cap increase. Great that it is happening and shows the legislative skills of the solar folks on the ground there. Hopefully it makes it through the State Senate. May the fourth be with us!.

Connecticut NEM Drama. There is very little outrage about this CT NEM attack from the solar industry. The policy is part of the Governor’s plan so if you are hoping for a veto, that is unlikely to occur..

Tariffs Suck. There seems to be a shift in messaging about the tariffs coming from the national trade association. During a panel with SEIA CEO, Abby Hopper, in San Diego this week, a panelist went unchallenged about the tariff impacts. A panelist said the tariffs have caused no disruption to the business but was not asked what could have happened if we were able to buy modules at the global pricing levels. A facebook post by SEIA yesterday did show some pushback about the tariffs and the issues they cause to the industry.


Have a great day!
