This is your SolarWakeup for February 6th, 2019

Tickets March 26th Boston. to reserve your seat. Don’t forget to sponsor the event which also includes 4 weeks of newsletter sponsorship and listings in the writeup! Best advertising spend in the solar market by far. 

The Corporates. We know corporations want more solar and wind energy to offset their consumption but it’s typically a pilot rooftop or too complicated if the energy is generated offsite. The solar industry doesn’t have the knowledge to really service this in a comprehensive fashion across different markets. I know that community solar is meant to make the access more democratic and simple but why should the solar industry wait to grow within market rules that restrict the growth to the speed that incumbent participants desire? 

Making CT Solar Better. We are going to revisit solar rules, namely net metering replacement policies, in Connecticut during this legislative session. Bills sponsored by members of both parties highlight the fact that DEEP under the guidance of the Governor and potentially in a deal with some solar folks threw net metering and distributed generation under the proverbial bus. Let’s watch how this plays out. 

Fight Over Energy Security. We are barely into 5G cellular service and the FCC is finding itself in a battle with telecom and utilities on the use and access to 6G. The past grid has been a closed system connecting a small number of large power plants. The future grid is going to have solar on every roof across the Country with electric cars charging to and from the grid with energy storage and central power plants. Access points will be plentiful so you can see why utilities may be concerned about he rules that are being created today. 

A Big Market. My friends are Roth Capital see the solar market growing to well over 100GW this year and up again in 2020. This is an unprecedented opportunity to deploy capital and save money for consumers. The key for all market participants will be to be wise around margins and determine how everyone can make money to the tune of BP’s 5.7billion last quarter. We cannot be the industry of the future if the entire value chain isn’t running profitable businesses. 


Have a great day!
