This is your SolarWakeup for March 6th, 2019

Is SMART Smart? Massachusetts has been the most prolific market for developers through SREC I and II. SMART could prove to be as successful if used correctly and developers work the various multipliers the right way. At SolarWakeup Live! I will be interviewing the person in charge of the program implementation and bring together the developers and investors looking to buy and sell projects. The event is the same amount of information gathering and networking with the people that will make you money. You can use SWLB20 as a SolarWakeup reader to lower the cost of entry at 

Bloomberg Is Out, In On Climate. Michael Bloomberg is not running for President, realizing the tough route to the nomination and will instead double down on the issues he feels most strongly about including climate change. Part of the plan will be to launch the campaign Beyond Carbon which is a play on the campaign he largely funded with the Sierra Club called Beyond Coal. It’s impressive how much climate change has gotten to the top of the issue list when just 2 years ago, climate change wasn’t brought up in the debates. 

Coal Wants Competitive Monopoly. It’s increasingly unbelievable to watch regulators and legislators look to bail out power plants that can’t add value to ratepayers. Instead of doing whatever is best for consumers, regulators want the plants to continue operating even if it means running it as a net detriment to the ratepayers. This is in line with the legislative control the incumbent market participants still have without having support from the majority of voters or consumers regardless of political party. 

Trade War Pains. Coming up on the article from yesterday where business is questioning whether the trade war has been worth it at all and today we talk about the actual cost that it has caused the Country. Between the nearly $8billion in cash that the government has had to spend to help out the farming community and the lackluster GDP we expect in this quarter, it is clearly shown that it was probably a bad idea. For solar we’ve seen the cost increase and the jobs impact from the 2018 jobs census. 


Have a great day!
