This is your SolarWakeup for September 12th, 2019

Quick rundown on this sunny Thursday!

Big Money. Goldman Sachs has put together the capital needed to deploy $4billion levered, unclear if that includes tax equity which would increase it to over $6billion. 

Sunny Deliciousness. If you don’t know Wawa then ignore this post and review your life choices. The rest of you, you can stop wondering how awesome it would be to have solar on those huge tilted roofs at Wawa. 

Covering The Lead. NOAA got into the middle of an Alabamian political storm but the real story is that when climate science gets covered, solar tax credits cover the headline. 

Speaking Of ITC. Following up on the oped by SEIA CEO, Abby Hopper, in GTM yesterday, SEIA exec Sean Gallagher is giving you some behind the scenes views on the politics of climate change. When it comes to the reality of the ITC having a chance to pass it comes down to Congressional leaders seeing the ITC as a path to fight climate change. 

Module Money. The all-black module manufacturer, Solaria, raised $40million to double capacity. I’m impressed with the company being able to do that but given the team, Solaria has put together, I am not surprised. 



Best, Yann