This is your SolarWakeup for June 19th, 2020

Friday Rundown. What a week! It started off with a ridiculous 45 hour drive for me and a never ending jet lag but here we are another week down. We now have 10 days left in the worst, strangest and seemingly longest quarter in my time in solar. Here we go

From Alabama’s Reporting. As the regulators approve a gas plant but not solar, reporters write. “The original expansion proposal included five 80-megawatt solar projects paired with battery storage banks that could be used after dark when the panels would not normally provide power. There are limitations, however. The batteries for the project would last about two hours before needing to be recharged by the sun. That might not be long enough during a cold winter morning if the sun wasn’t shining.”

EPA Forgot Its Second Letter. Toxic water? Don’t worry about it.

Equality, Diversity, Solar’s Work Begins. What are the actions and changes you’ve embarked on to make your business more diverse?

Repowering and Developing Big Solar. It’s been a few years since I focused on large scale development and I’ve lost touch with who is doing what. As wind gets into the repowering of existing farms, there will be the same work in solar. We are also seeing early stage development getting much larger in scale and reaching new geographies. This work is no longer limited to large companies, individual developers are reaching key interconnection milestones as well. Not too many teams have the financial wherewithal to fund development and construction but I expect to see more of you raising your hands for these 100MW opportunities.

Bill Walton And Friends. In a fun event on June 24th, join me, Bill Walton and his friends at the virtual PAC-12 Sustainability Conference. This is a free event and if you’ve never seen Bill talk about solar, it’s a huge treat. Pass along the registration link to anyone that may want to join you.

Presented by Adani Green Energy. Adani is a fully integrated renewables company, from solar cell and module manufacturing to ownership and operation. The company has a top global operating and contracted pipeline of over 14 GW. Adani is the recipient of the largest solar award ever of 8 GW, which includes a single site project of 2 GW – tied for the world’s largest. No one knows mega-scale projects like Adani.


Best, Yann