This is your SolarWakeup for November 23rd, 2020

Biden Gets Involved. The President-elect is getting involved in the debate for the next round of stimulus. He has set the marker alongside the House’s $2trillion which is more than the Senate and Trump have offered. This remains a long shot for solar to get any policies into it even though a national permitting standard would be ideal to get folks back to work. Watch the spending bill instead as talks heat up once Congress comes back on the 30th.
Aligning Climate With Business Lobby. All roads are leading towards a bigger tent for solar lobbying. Corporates want more renewables and they want the best deal possible. Corporations want solar electricity from solar farms, solar on their rooftops and let their employees working remotely do have that same luxury. So what does it look like when the Chamber of Commerce and SEIA lobby for the same policy? Or when oil companies fight for electricity deregulation?

Power Of Incumbency. The EPA Chief, who is less than 60 days from the end of his tenure, has a couple of international trips planned before leaving his office. They say that power corrupts and whether you’re the administrator of the EPA or the chair of the PUC, there are billions of dollars at play every single day all over this Country. This is more true in energy than anything else given that the monopolies that have served as the market incumbents for decades.

When Will It Build? Here’s the question I have been pondering for a few weeks. If someone signs a contract to put solar on your house, when do you tell them it will be installed? How sure are you that enough product will be available when install time comes? We are entering the most complex 2 quarters residential solar has ever seen, backlogs are at an all-time high and supply chains are very tight. The Buyer’s Group is working through this and would love to talk with you about it. Reach out on the price discovery page. 


Best, Yann