Quick Hits. Congress is likely to pass a 1-week continuing resolution to push the spending bill to December 18th but Democrats may be trying to add a covid stimulus to the CR. Still no word about tax extenders.
Climate Coverage. David Roberts formerly of Vox and Grist has left Vox to start a climate and politics newsletter. Climate reporting is important, I don’t consider myself a reporter in the traditional sense because I comment from the inside. What David does well goes deep into complex issues and attempts to make them mainstream. If you like what he does, subscribe to his newsletter at volts.wtf. If you want his old job, Vox is hiring a climate writer.
UK Takes Steps. UK regulators are taking steps to make the grid catch up to the energy transition. National Grid, the utility in the UK, is also active in the US. The little known fact is that National Grid supported the original Sunrun capacity participation in the ISO-NE auction. Without National Grid, Sunrun wouldn’t have been this early to the grid services market. Maybe copying some of the UK steps is what the US should be looking to do.
Supply Chains Choke Up. If you are a buyer of products, now is the time to expand your time horizons to ensure continuity of supply. Manufacturers and research companies are underestimating the size of the market over the next two quarters and likely most of 2021. That means that there will be a limited amount of product to go around and if you’re not allocated, you may get hung out to dry. SolarWakeup Buyer’s Group is here to help, ensuring allocations for our members now.
- Politico: Confusion grips Capitol amid flurry of stimulus plans
- Texas Standard: From Fracking To Renewables, What Texans Can Expect From Biden Energy Policy
- Solar Industry: BloombergNEF – Residential Solar Installations Continue at Record Pace
- PV-Magazine: Solar needs aluminum, but the metal has a carbon problem
- Greentech MEdia: UK Regulator Approves £40B of Grid Investment, But Is It Enough?
- GreenBiz: A new EV battery shows big promise
- Axios: Breaking down John Kerry’s climate role under Biden
Best, Yann