This is your SolarWakeup for December 11th, 2020

Have A Great Weekend. Q4 is wrapping up and I think we’re all a little bit burnt out on 2020. More opinions and insights next week but make sure you catch my conversation with NexTracker’s CEO, Dan Shugar, this week on all your favorite podcast streams. Just search for SolarWakeup with Yann and you can subscribe, listen and share. It was an hour long conversation that easily could have gone six or seven.

Supply Chains Choke Up. If you are a buyer of products, now is the time to expand your time horizons to ensure continuity of supply. Manufacturers and research companies are underestimating the size of the market over the next two quarters and likely most of 2021. That means that there will be a limited amount of product to go around and if you’re not allocated, you may get hung out to dry. SolarWakeup Buyer’s Group is here to help, ensuring allocations for our members now. 


Best, Yann