This is your SolarWakeup for January 8th, 2020

247GW Of Rooftop Solar. Last year I interviewed John Farrell from ILSR to talk about his plan to put solar on 30million homes. The impact of such a concept, putting solar on rooftops around the Country, has been modeled in a recent study which is covered in the LA Times. If were were to get to over 200GW on rooftops, it would save half a trillion in other grid infrastructure and generation costs.

Big Alpha In Solar. Unless you live under a rock you’ve seen the gains solar stocks have made in the past 12 months. Some stocks are up 1000% since April. More than anything, look at the rise in stock price since the Democrats won the Senate in addition to the White House. Policy, more than anything else, has doubled stock prices in the past 90 days. Take two 2021 policy initiatives for example. FERC 2222 is going to create a marketplace for behind the meter resources including solar and storage, a good policy could double the value of solar/storage on homes versus a weak policy that doesn’t move the needle. NEM 3.0 in California can also go two ways, utilities will fight to the tune of $50million plus to remove the benefit of rooftop solar versus a strong NEM 3.0 that values solar and solar plus storage the way that DERs are needed to aid in grid resiliency. I am going to personally set aside time to take meetings with anyone that wants to discuss how to budget 1% of revenue for policy and how to spend it to maximize your enterprise value.

What Biden Thinks Of Tariffs. I don’t have the answer for that but this administration stance is going to be of great interest to me and many others I am sure. How will Biden, his trade representative and advisors advance solar while maximizing made in America solar jobs.

Consolidate Your Power. As you walk back into your offices (remote or otherwise) you will realize that the conversation is about what isn’t available. Modules, inverters, wires, tax equity, labor and other core requirements are in high demand and short supply. On product supply look towards consolidating your purchasing with similar companies to maximize your access and keep your pricing competitive. We’d be happy to give you more information at the SolarWakeup Buyer’s Group.


Best, Yann