This is your SolarWakeup for February 4th, 2020

Green Cabinet Advances. Mayor Pete becomes Secretary Pete and Governor Granholm is on her way to the same. President Biden is getting the cabinet he desired with the executive orders to centralize the effort to fight climate change throughout government. EPA nominee Regan was on the hill yesterday.

Stranded Assets Get Audited. NextEra kicked off the energy earnings season with the first quarterly losses in a decade due to a billion-dollar right down of a natural gas pipeline project. A new report now forecasts over $1 Trillion in losses from these types of delayed and stranded assets. The pain will only get worse if we expect delaying the transition will somehow avoid the pain that is almost guaranteed by poor investments. Part of overcoming the negative financial impact will be creating investment opportunities on the positive side of the ledger.

SEC ESG Advisor. NYU’s Satyam Khanna is joining the SEC as an advisor on ESG and climate issues. With financial firms already understanding that ESG is central to their investment thesis (see stranded assets) it helps to have regulators understand the issue from a regulatory standpoint. Not only to keep clarity on what is ESG but also to ensure that regulations don’t get in the way of this decade’s wealth creation opportunity.

We Ride Together. Late notice but join us this morning at 8 am for a 30-minute ride on Peloton with Ally Love. There are over 60 members in the #ride4solar team and growing. When we can’t network in person, we shall do it virtually on a bike!


Best, Yann