Texas Power Struggle. With cold weather continuing to increase demand and reduce supply in the ERCOT energy markets, Texans are left struggling with power outages and rolling blackouts. This has been going on for several days now, in some ways similar to Hurricane Harvey that parked itself over the Houston area and never seemed to want to move on. Everyone is talking about this and the blame game. Not all of it, or really any of it, based on the truth, facts or data. Twitter accounts from Senator Cornyn, Congressman Crenshaw were amongst the highlights blaming Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez for the Texan power issues.
The PR Game. When it comes to the press game, count on natural gas communications executives to bring their A-game and in this case they did indeed. Even before the crisis, before I realized what was happening, the PR game was in full effect. On Monday, New York Times ran a headline blaming frozen wind turbines for the energy generation shortage. They did this because the natural gas industry knew that their power plants were going to fail in a massive and systemic fashion. Gas was being prioritized for heating consumption and wells were frozen, the irony of the day. That didn’t stop the WSJ editorial board to go all in on blaming renewables for the troubles.
All Others, Bring Data. Grid operations data show the better story. Jesse Jenkins, highlighted by Twitter’s corporate account, broke down how each generation source was executing against the plan. Wind was not relied on going into the crisis, only 6GW was planned for which created a shortfall of 4.4GW when only 1.6GW was able to get online. On the other hand, only about half of the Texas natural gas fleet was able to operate with over 25GW of capacity failing to operate. For the breakdown on the tweet thread, here’s Jesse’s twitter explanation.
Extreme Pressures. The reality is that engineering and operations is hard when you account for major anomalies. A multi day, deep freeze is almost all of Texas isn’t part of the design process. California doesn’t design for hurricanes and Florida doesn’t look at earthquake risk. The new climate has deeper pressure points that occur more often and we, as consumers, can either plan for the worst or be satisfied to hope for the best. What we need is more flexibility and ability to be resilient, and while wind and solar are comfortable in the variable nature of the energy production, we must also be truthful that natural gas can also be variable if fuel is not available because for Texans, the sun didn’t shine on their natural gas fleet.
Save California Net Metering. Sign this petition if you want to see the largest solar market continue thriving.
Hawaii RPS Signal. The RPS in Hawaii is going well and one of my favorite Senators, Brian Schatz, noticed.
Don’t Hallucinate. Strategy without execution is hallucination and corporate ESG goals without policy focus to back it up are just that. GreenBiz’s Heather Clancy highlights this in her column.
A Podcast To Listen To. I was pleased to join Freeing Energy’s Bill Nussey to talk about soft cost reduction by making solar permits instant and digital. You can listen to the discussion here.
C&I PPA Webinar. My C&I solar friends at Sustainable Capital Finance (SCF) are hosting an exciting free webinar for EPCs and Installers on Feb 24th, demonstrating how their software users were able to improve PPA project conversions by 25% or more. Learn best practices in executing C&I solar & storage PPAs, helpful strategies for a remote sales process, industry insights, and more. You can sign up here or contact the SCF team at info@scf.com for more information.
- Vox: Why the Texas power grid is struggling to cope with the extreme cold
- CBS: Texas Gas Service Warns Of Potential Issues, Freezing Gas Wells Coupled With Higher Usage Could Lead To Shortages
- Texas Tribune: Texas largely relies on natural gas for power. It wasn’t ready for the extreme cold.
- New York Times: A Glimpse of America’s Future – Climate Change Means Trouble for Power Grids
- PV-Magazine: Hawaiian Electric surpasses RPS target on path to 100% renewables
- Axios: Agribusiness group readies to lobby on climate change
- Reuters: Exclusive – Mexican tourism body aims to spark state-backed solar blitz
- Greentech Media: Getting the Rates Right for a Public EV Charging Build-Out
Best, Yann