This is your SolarWakeup for February 26th, 2020

Congratulations. To the next Secretary of Energy, Jennifer Granholm. I met her when she was Governor of Michigan and a strong supporter of solar then, she remained an ardent advocate for the clean energy market afterwards. Her expertise and executive leadership will be great for the amazing team at DOE.

Paint The Box. The opposition for a clean energy standard will say something about picking winners and losers. In reality, and more and more so publicly, utilities and investors want the Government to state the obvious which is that the energy transition is happening today. By having a ‘mandated’ goal, they have the coverage against the short term traders about doing the work they know will be done anyways.

Sunshine. Is the best disinfectant. Companies with climate risk should state as such, whether they need to do anything about it is up to them and their shareholders. I’ve lived in Florida for over 20 years with a hiatus in Northern California and Maryland. Most of you have lost your power more hours/days in the past 10 years than I have. That’s my way of saying that infrastructure and climate events that threaten that intelligent and reliable grid is no longer an isolated risk.

Have A Great Weekend! Big news next week.


Best, Yann