This is your SolarWakeup for April 26th, 2021

It Was Climate Week. The week ended with the climate summit and a plethora of policy statements by Biden which most likely drowned out any global statements by other Countries. Let’s take a look at what this decade long sprint to a better planet and cleaner economy would create.

Kerry Bets The Markets. Underneath all of the headlines is the Biden approach to climate policy, taking the whole of government approach. It is also expected that a quarter of the upcoming state of the union speech will be about climate change and creating jobs in the clean energy economy. Kerry is taking an approach of using diplomacy with investors as well. He rightfully realizes that trillions of dollars will be coming from the private markets to fill the gap left by government funding.

Bad Politics? Fox is already beating the drum on Biden and obviously on the recently filed Green New Deal. The question that comes up is whether Biden leaning in on the policy is hurting democrats chances in the mid terms. Polling shows that support for the spending and policy initiatives is bipartisan, but Fox News is isolating the requirement (fakely) that you will only be allowed to eat 4 pounds of meat per year.

A Climate Corps. A second bill filed by AOC and Markey is a federal climate corps with 1.5million workers to focus on the implementation of the steep climb ahead for us.

Power Up, EPCs. And come ready to learn! The Business PowerSeries from EagleView – moderated by yours truly – has an upcoming webinar on scalability. Remember what happened when Icarus flew too close to the sun? This session will show you how to avoid any sinking missteps and instead scale your business using sustainable strategies. I’ll be joined by JP Gerken, CEO of Zenernet and solar selling extraordinaire. He’ll talk about what it takes to turn a business into one of the largest residential solar companies in the country. Sign up now to save your spot for May 12th!



Best, Yann