This is your SolarWakeup for May 25th, 2021

A Solar Unicorn. Aurora Solar has raised $250million in their series C, with a self proclaimed unicorn status indicating a valuation over $1bb.

Inside McCarthy’s Mind. Gina McCarthy knows the executive branch well, having led the EPA under Obama and now the domestic climate leader for Biden. Who are the allies and the foes in the fight against climate change? Axios meets with McCarthy to get a better understanding.

A Trillion Dollar Opportunity. $5.2trillion to be exact. Building out infrastructure isn’t a function of cost but an opportunity for capital to make a return. From new transmission to residential solar plus storage, it’s an integrated system that will not only save or make money but also function better than the century old version we have now.

Offshore Gold Rush. The offshore wind market requires big balance sheets, at risk capital in the billions and patience. While the projects may not be built until the second half of this decade, the rush to build that NTP pipeline is clearly happening now.

AB 1139 Heads To Floor. The dubbed utility profit grab bill has massive ramifications for solar in California and across the Country. While the NEM 3.0 process is going through the CPUC process, AB 1139 has been moving through the committee process in the assembly. For those that aren’t tracking, this has the ability to affect not only the NEM 3.0 but also existing installations in NEM 1 and 2. 


Best, Yann