- PV-Tech: Global module capacity to boom in 2021 while Chinese polysilicon expansions to sidestep Xinjiang
- Solar Power World: DOE Sec. Jennifer Granholm pushes for jurisdictions to adopt SolarAPP+ during Berkeley stop
- PV-Magazine: Illinois Q2 residential solar installations are down nearly 90% compared to 2020
- Politico: ‘Mutually assured destruction’ – Pelosi and centrists drag budget standoff into wee hours
- Texas Farm Bureau: Solar panels crop up across texas divide rural communities
- Axios: The EV revolution will hit speed bumps
- Energy Storage News: SSE, one of the UK’s biggest energy suppliers, acquires first grid-scale battery storage project
- Canary Media: Companies and cities are taking the lead on clean energy purchases. When will market rules catch up?
Best, Yann