This is your SolarWakeup for September 8th, 2021

Helping NOLA. It’s a triple bad news sandwich. We were supposed to be able to get SPI back on track this year and almost everyone we spoke to was going to attend. Then the delta variant took a toll on the local community causing a good amount of cancellations of exhibitors and attendees. Show organizers were focused on still creating a safe event for those that wanted to get to and then Hurricane Ida came in. The issue is that everyone loses, the community doesn’t benefit from the economic stimulus a show like SPI brings to town, attendees don’t get to meet with partners and clients and the solar industry loses a vital revenue stream that is much needed for the never ending fight for policy that enables our market. Then there is the destruction of the community at the hands of the hurricane like others before that hurt the most vulnerable.

Laudato Si Continued. The Pope is not giving up his message on climate change. Since writing Laudato Is, Pope Francis has merged the message of climate change with preserving the planet and pushing for action by dominant nations. When the Pope speaks, he does so in many languages but he is also speaking to those that see him as the leader of the the catholic church. It’s the duality of the message, especially when heard by catholics that happen to be politicians as well, that stings the hardest because personal causes are in conflict with the message from the church.

The Nuclear Bailouts. Illinois is preparing a $600million bailouts for two nuclear power plants in the State. Typically these are powerful legislative vehicles that can move climate policy forward alongside the bailout, we’ve seen this in New York and New Jersey to name two. 


Best, Yann