This is your SolarWakeup for October 25th, 2021

A Delaware Meeting To Close The Deal? Senators Manchin and Schumer went to visit Biden in Delaware this weekend to see if the deal can be closed on the budget reconciliation bill. Manchin has been hard on both the price tag and climate heavy nature of the policy sections, i.e. the carbon tax and clean energy standard. Biden, as a lifelong member of the Senate, may have the hand to play to get this done and while not getting everything, advancing many of the administrations key policies. Pelosi said yesterday that she expects to ‘be there’ and have a vote by the end of the week.

What It Means. For the solar industry the most tangible policy is the potential 10 year extension of the ITC as well as getting it back to the 30% level. Some adders could be included for domestic content as well as stand alone energy storage.

SEIA Board Election. SEIA Board of Directors elections are happening now and I’m always excited to point out friends that reach out that I think have done and will continue to do a great job representing the industry at the board level. Particularly, I’d like you to support Karla Loeb from Sigora Solar. Karla has been a leader in the industry for years and she’s running for the DG Committee Chair. Thank you for voting for her!


Best, Yann