I’m Ian Mason, VP of Business Development at Carolina Solar Services. Yann has graciously followed through on his promise of allowing whoever won the Solar Wakeup 2022 NCAA Men’s Basketball Bracket to author this morning’s issue, despite their credentials. I hate to say it, but I’m British, this was my first ever bracket, I have never played a competitive game of basketball, and my 6-year-old son recently beat me at a game of H.O.R.S.E. I guess the age-old adage, “it is better to be lucky than to be good”, has never been more apt…
2022’s conference season has kicked off with a bang. The 8th edition of ‘Solarplaza Summit Asset Management North America’ starts this morning in sunny Oakland. All the key influencers from the Asset Management/O&M world will be there, including Carolina Solar Services’ very own Zack Hobbs (CEO) and Ajulo Othow, Esq. (Counsel). Ajulo will be joining a panel as they discuss DEI in Solar Asset Management on Thursday and we’re glad that CSS is leading on this important subject. Zack will be making connections and picking up on the latest trends. If you’re in town, and you want to learn what is going on from a leader in PV Operations and Maintenance, reach out to him on the handy conference app. If you want more in-depth O&M insight from a front-line, independent provider, reach out to me at BD@carolinasolar.services
I am super thankful to Yann for giving me the opportunity to author this morning’s edition. I thought there was no way I would win, and it was super close up to the finish (better luck next time SolarWarriors1!) Who doesn’t love curated industry news first thing in the morning?! Solar Wakeup does a great job of keeping the Carolina Solar Services Team up to date with all the trends, tariffs, and technology. We are incredibly grateful for all the effort that goes into it!
- PV-Magazine: SEIA speaks on potential devastation of the solar anticircumvention investigation
- Utility Dive: Lithium-ion roadblocks drive development of US-based alternatives for grid battery storage
- Axios: GM CEO says hybrid work helped speed up EV program
- Vox: What’s really holding the world back from stopping climate change
- PV-Tech: Renewables ready to ‘turn marathon into a sprint’ as IPCC report calls for acceleration
- Solar Power World: Solar developers are ready to meet U.S. clean energy goals. The grid isn’t.
- Energy Storage News: New York energy storage interconnection queue reaches 12GW, double the state’s 2030 target
Best, Yann