This is your SolarWakeup for June 22nd, 2023

The Promise Of Cleaner. And Cheaper. Every new data point shows that solar is increasingly the cheapest option in more geographies. We’ve moved past putting solar in deserts only and now can produce clean energy cheaper than all other forms. The next iteration also makes that clean and cheap energy much more dispatchable using energy storage. I still hold out hope that the financial drivers of existing solar farms will drive the enhancement of the offtake contracts by offering generators the amendment needed to make that solar plant dispatchable. So here’s the message to anyone in a CCA or utility that reads this newsletter, take a PPA off the shelf and call that asset owner and ask what the PPA price increase would be to add storage to that site. Just make the call and realize it’s insanely accessible, right now.

Access Is A Feature. Not a bug, and we’re talking about the lack of access to the grid. Given the above, i.e. cheap renewable energy, the massive queues in the interconnection pipeline do not have aligned interests across the board. We should be comfortable with having much greater capacity reserves and more time focuses renewables.

At The Summit? I’ll be talking around 9am this morning on the future of energy storage and how it is growing both in deployment and manufacturing in the US. Come say hi!

The Lender You Can Depend On. In a market that is full of uncertainty, you can rely on Dividend Finance to bring you white glove service to help you reach your long-term goals. Apply Here


Best, Yann