Is Texas Right? It’s always been a wind state, now at 42GW, but the past few years it’s been the sunny star of solar and storage with 22GW and 6.5GW respectively. Is it the development process? The ERCOT mechanics? Lack of capacity markets? Or just the growth of demand for energy. We know it’s not the politics so it’s something else, what is that and can we replicate it?
LA Fires. My thoughts go out to any of you affected by the fires in the LA area, it is an unimaginable horror to see how devastating those fires have been. If you know of legitimate aid or fundraising efforts that I can pass along to the SolarWakeup community, please reach out to me
- Reuters: Texas tops US states for renewable energy and battery capacity
- Axios: Wildfires and hurricanes could make parts of U.S. uninsurable
- New York Times: U.S. Efforts to Cut Emissions Stalled in 2024 as Power Demand Surged
- PV-Tech: LS Power acquires Algonquin Power’s renewable energy business
- Renewable Energy World: Puerto Rico’s new governor appoints an energy czar to tackle the island’s power crisis
- Utility Dive: PJM ‘shovel-ready’ interconnection plan draws mixed reviews at FERC
- Energy Storage News: Illinois Senator passes legislation to ramp up energy storage
- Canary Media: PosiGen wins another $200M for lower-income rooftop solar
- PV-Magazine: Hemlock Semiconductor receives $325 million U.S. government funding for polysilicon production
Best, Yann