March Madness. It’s back for another year, you can join your fellow SolarWakeup readers in this years March Madness bracket challenge. Click here, password is solar, and you guess the bracket. Winner as always gets to write the content for a day.
Thought of the Day. As everyone in DC talks about needing energy for the demand spike caused by electrification, crypto, AI, data centers etc. I have been thinking about an interesting (in my mind) data point about solar. 99% of projects have the energy sold to a customer, not only on day 1 but for most of the projects for 20+ years. Imagine if real estate or even traditional power plants transacted that way. The demand for solar is so high that our power plants have a customer base for life
- New York Times: Want Cheap Power, Fast? Solar and Wind Firms Have a Suggestion.
- Financial Times: Dark clouds dull US rooftop solar prospects
- PV-Magazine: Rooftop solar saved California ratepayers $1.5 billion last year, finds report
- Bloomberg: Energy Chief Praises Research Hub That Trump Once Sought to Ax
- Utility Dive: Santee Cooper wants to sell its unfinished reactors. What happens next?
- Axios: Ukrainian CEO warns Europe against Russian gas revival
- Reuters: China power generation dips in Jan, Feb for only third time since the 1990s
- PV-Tech: Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners raises €12 billion in fifth renewables fund
- Energy Storage News: UK government sets 8-hour minimum for LDES cap-and-floor scheme
- Canary Media: Ohio Supreme Court weighs high-stakes solar permitting case
Best, Yann