Safe Harboring. If you’re looking at safe harboring materials for your projects, the team at FTC Solar is happy to help ensure that you get the right solution in place for you. Happy to connect you with the right people on our team to get you setup in advance of the deadlines, definitely running out of days for that.
1 Reuters:
US power deals down 36% in last year due to political uncertainty, PwC says
2 Utility Dive:
NERC adopts 2 new standards to boost extreme weather reliability
3 New York Times:
‘Unfettered’ Gas Exports Would Harm U.S. Economy, Energy Secretary Warns
4 Axios:
U.S. and Europe look to break China's grip on key minerals
5 PV-Tech:
Transatlantic interconnection could stabilise electricity prices and reduce curtailments – Ember
6 Renewable Energy World:
US says $365 million is available to install solar and battery storage systems in Puerto Rico
7 Solar Power World:
New HJT player NuVision Solar plans cell and panel manufacturing in Florida
8 Canary Media:
A new way to fix grid bottlenecks for EV charging
9 PV-Magazine:
Phillips 66 to power oil refinery with solar
10 Bloomberg:
Fervo CEO Tim Latimer on Ramping Up Advanced Geothermal Enegy
Have a great day!
Safe Harboring. If you’re looking at safe harboring materials for your projects, the team at FTC Solar is happy to help ensure that you get the right solution in place for you. Happy to connect you with the right people on our team to get you setup in advance of the deadlines, definitely running out of days for that.
Virtuous Or Profitable. I agree with incoming Secretary of Energy Wright, energy is virtuous. But it’s not how we make the electron that is virtuous, it’s the electron itself that allows for a child to read by a light, a kitchen to cook a warm meal or a factory to operate. That is why energy is the core ingredient for economic growth. And growth is virtuous. If America is going to lead in AI and data centers, it will build all of the energy possible and prioritize what is ready to build and cheapest.
1 PV-Magazine:
The solar industry’s top 10 priorities for Trump
2 New York Times:
Trump’s Choice to Run Energy Says Fossil Fuels Are Virtuous
3 Reuters:
US power deals down 36% in last year due to political uncertainty, PwC says
4 PV-Tech:
NREL says thinner, taller solar modules contributing to increased rate of breakages
5 Utility DIve:
Major US energy buyers projected to acquire 17 TWh of hourly renewable energy certificates by 2026
6 Bloomberg:
Climate Tech Funds See Cash Pile Rise to $86 Billion as Investing Slows
7 Renewable energy World:
Storage is booming and batteries are cheaper than ever. Can it stay this way?
8 Energy Storage News:
US solar and storage project progress for Pine Gate, Avantus, Arevon in Western states
9 Canary Media:
The cleantech companies that didn’t make it through 2024
Have a great day!
Good Energy, A VlogCast. During the SEIA Board of Directors meeting last week I had the pleasure of spending some time with SEIA’s Chief Communications and Chief Content Officers on their amazing Good Energy podcast. We chatted about the solar market and how it’s changed over the years and where we go from here. Check it out on YouTube and drop a comment to help SEIA broaden their listener base.
Safe Harboring. If you’re looking at safe harboring materials for your projects, the team at FTC Solar is happy to help ensure that you get the right solution in place for you. Happy to connect you with the right people on our team to get you setup in advance of the deadlines, definitely running out of days for that.
1 Utility Dive:
Treasury finalizes ITC rules, providing clarity to solar, storage, other clean energy sectors
2 Reuters:
US solar industry downplays climate in strategy for Trump era
3 The Hill:
Biden doubles tariffs on Chinese solar panel components
4 Renewable Energy World:
Now with more domestic content! Enphase rolls out new microinverters with bonus tax credits in mind
5 Bloomberg:
Hacking Rooftop Solar Is a Way to Break Europe’s Power Grid
6 PV-Tech:
Australia awards 2.8GW of solar in first CIS tender round
7 Energy Storage News:
Lithium-ion battery pack prices fall 20% in 2024 amidst ‘fight for market share’
8 PV-Magazine:
California Public Utilities Commission kicks community solar deadline to 2026
Have a great day!
Good Energy, A VlogCast. During the SEIA Board of Directors meeting last week I had the pleasure of spending some time with SEIA’s Chief Communications and Chief Content Officers on their amazing Good Energy podcast. We chatted about the solar market and how it’s changed over the years and where we go from here. Check it out on YouTube and drop a comment to help SEIA broaden their listener base.
1 The Verge:
Google’s future data centers will be built next to solar and wind farms
2 Time:
Community Solar Is Filling an Important Gap in the Clean Energy Transition
3 Fortune:
Elon Musk and Google’s CEO want to cover the desert with solar panels. Will Donald Trump agree?
4 Utility Dive:
The AI paradox - energy-hungry technology could speed clean energy transition
5 New York Times:
Here’s How Much Cleaner Energy Could Save America, in Lives and Money
6 Reuters:
France is losing renewable investment due to slow permits, say Total and EDF CEOs
7 PV-Tech:
Recurrent Energy signs Spanish PPA with ‘major’ US tech firm
8 Renewable Energy World:
How utilities are working to meet AI data centers’ voracious appetite for electricity
9 Energy Storage News:
Georgia Power receives unanimous approval on 500MW BESS projects across the state
10 PV-Magazine:
Boston doctors prescribe solar energy
11 Bloomberg:
There's an Electric Way for Democrats to Rebrand Climate Action
Have a great day!