
Best, Yann




Have a great day!


Best, Yann




Have a great day!

We’re Back! I appreciate you all for letting me take a few weeks off and pause the daily news digests while setting up for the big news and new beginnings. 

All About Solar. After 3.5 years in the energy storage market (which I loved), I am coming back to solar as the CEO of FTC Solar. Like many of my notes like this in the past, you have all helped me with the transitions with words of advice, encouragement and dealmaking. Starting next Monday, I’ll be in my new role and this one has the added benefit of being a public company which will obviously change the way I approach the commentary but not much. CEOs of public companies post on their LinkedIn or Facebook walls as will I with the addition of this amazing and public platform, made so special by all of you. For those that have already reached out, thank you, for those of you that this is news to, I can’t wait to get started and working together. In the meantime, if you’re in the market for solar trackers, I’m here for you!

Why FTC? Leading an IPP platform a decade ago gave me the first view into trackers and the benefits, since then made even better with software and constructibility enhancements which made trackers the go to for solar projects. FTC was the leader in the market when it went public in the 2P category and has now broadened into a 1P lineup. I’ll spare you the sales pitch but this is where my background in scaling businesses had me reconnect with the solar leaders that are behind FTC. I’m excited to get back into the market and being on the road reconnecting with many of you. It’s always exciting times in the solar market. 





Have a great day!


Best, Yann




Have a great day!