The Physics Of Funnels. Fill a funnel too fast and it all ends up on your face. Make the funnel too wide and you have too much momentum in the receiving reservoir. You have to pour it at the right pace for the type of ratio from big to small or you have to have the right ratio for the speed of the pour. The same is going to be true for large points of interconnection from offshore wind farms. The larger the farm and the more specific the interconnection point needs to be designed for or it risks disrupting the grid stability on the receiving end.
Have a great day!
Sometimes, It Feels Hopeless. More drilling, less clean energy. What a sentence, and yet completely believable when it comes to politics. But what does drilling and clean energy really have to do with each other? Oil and electricity have no overlap. Gas does, but is there a shortage of gas supply? Are utilities having a hard time building gas plants? Let’s be clear, this is a market dynamic that has little to do with politics. Oil and coal plants won’t be built again and the auto sector is electrifying. On the other hand, what is the reason for the anti-clean energy stance from a republican standpoint? I see plenty of free market activity and job creation every day from this industry and continue to see the opportunity for the solar and storage markets to be completely bipartisan.
Have a great day!
Play By Play Corporate Commenting. You’ve probably never heard of this company, Azelio, which filed for bankruptcy recently. It’s a hardware technology company based in Sweden and covered in today’s top story. The only reason I am somewhat familiar with this is because at every step of the way, the company sent not just the press releases but updates to industry media email address in which my SolarWakeup email was included. From their quarterly announcements to their delays in filings and changes to their board and executives. Every update was chronicled via email to the media in a way that I’ve never seen before, so I wanted to share that with you given that it’s being covered by the industry reporters when in reality, it likely would have just disappeared had it not been so public about the demise.
Have a great day!
Bureaucracy For The Sake Of. It’s a positive sign that FERC and the White House are looking to accelerate the work around net metering and permitting. It still leaves the lack of focus by the ISOs to not only accelerate their work, i.e. it takes 6 years for a cluster to go through in CAISO and PJM is PJM. ISOs are also delayed in a more progressive price signals that will enable more sustainable construction of the pipeline.
Have a great day!