Bureaucracy For The Sake Of. It’s a positive sign that FERC and the White House are looking to accelerate the work around net metering and permitting. It still leaves the lack of focus by the ISOs to not only accelerate their work, i.e. it takes 6 years for a cluster to go through in CAISO and PJM is PJM. ISOs are also delayed in a more progressive price signals that will enable more sustainable construction of the pipeline.
1 Canary Media:
White House proposes new rule to speed up clean energy permitting
2 Utility Dive:
New York must triple its renewable capacity in eight years to meet 2030 target
3 Reuters:
US doubles renewable subsidies to $15.6 billion in last seven years, EIA says
4 Barrons:
Rooftop Solar Is in a Slump. This CEO Sees 2 Ways Out.
5 PV-Magazine:
SolarEdge stock trades down despite record revenue in Q2
6 Bloomberg:
Home-Power Suppliers Face Slump Despite Grid Outages
7 Energy Storage News:
Software-centric’ home battery company Electriq Power gets NYSE listing
8 Politico:
Are EV sales really slowing down?
Have a great day!
Best, Yann
1 Bloomberg:
Offshore Wind Industry Is Caught In a Financial Hurricane
2 PV-Tech:
US$450 million allocated by US govt to install rooftop solar PV for Puerto Rico residents
3 Utility Dive:
Young workers are flocking to renewable jobs, but the sector remains short on labor, reports show
4 Axios:
Phoenix is first U.S. city with a monthly temperature above 100°F
5 Reuters:
Texas power use hits record for second straight day as heat wave lingers
6 Energy Storage News:
7 Canary Media:
Tesla alum aims to build the power company of the future
8 PV-Magazine:
Solar decommissioning plans for 36 U.S. states
9 New York Times:
Solar Supply Chain Grows More Opaque Amid Human Rights Concerns
Have a great day!
The IRA Certainty Problem. There’s the downside of the political system and primarily of the rhetoric that comes out of DC. The IRA is an economic behemoth and were it not for the rhetoric that threatens to cut the IRA if political winds shifted, the onshoring of factories would be far greater than they already are. As a country, the United States cannot create the economic environment that requires every pro forma to turn positive before the next election but in many ways that’s already happening and it is unfortunate.
1 Axios:
2024 elections complicate climate tech startup investing
2 Canary Media:
FERC takes a big step to get more clean energy on the US grid
3 Utility Dive:
Southern California Edison eyeing ‘substantial investments’ in grid resilience and reliability, CEO says
4 Bloomberg:
US on Alert as It Enters Two Historically Super-Hot Weeks - Weather Watch
5 Reuters:
Texas power use hits record for sixth time this summer as heat wave lingers
6 Solar Builder:
SEIA to develop 11 new solar, energy storage ANSI standards
7 PV-Tech:
China’s installed solar capacity reaches 470GW as of H1 2023
8 PV-Magazine:
Stiff competition predicted for USDA $9.7 billion focused on renewables
9 Houston Chronicle:
Are batteries the future of the power grid? In Texas the experiment is already underway
Have a great day!
Electrify Everything And Future Thing. This summer has caused challenges across the spectrum and some that haven’t been recognized yet. When we say electrification is the energy transition, we usually focus on EVs and gas stoves. But in reality there’s much more. One of those is that many more Americans and people across the globe want and need cooling solutions. This additional load will be additive to the load peak on the grid when the heat is most straining it, exacerbating the grid operators’ challenge.
1 Bloomberg:
Cooling Technology’s Next Act Could Be Even More Important Than Today’s Heat Pumps
2 Axios:
White House makes its move on permitting
3 Los Angeles Times:
California has new weapons to battle summer blackouts
4 PV-Magazine:
Enphase lowers revenue guidance as U.S. residential solar stagnates
5 PV-Tech:
Nextracker’s quarterly revenue rises 19% year-on-year
6 Solar Power World:
Biden Administration proposes new rules for solar permitting on federal lands
7 Canary Media:
Charts - US clean energy developers are hyped about post-IRA prospects
8 Utility Dive:
Cautious investors and fast cash - Why AEP, Duke and other utilities have sold their renewable assets
Have a great day!