This is your SolarWakeup for December 7th, 2022
Smart Home Circularity. NRG is buying Vivint Smart Home, the former parent of Vivint Solar before the solar unit was spun out as a stand-alone. You’ll recall that Sunrun acquired Vivint Solar a few years ago. Of course, NRG had previously entered the home solar market with their acquisition of Roof Diagnostics creating NRG Home Solar. Particularly interesting because smart home giant, ADT, acquired Sunpro earlier this year and created ADT Solar. AAA, the road-side giant, also entered the smart home business with an alarm company acquisition a few years ago to create AAA Smart Home. In some ways it’s about selling more things to consumers in the same visit, home alarm, solar, retail energy. The stickier contract the better. Question is, where are AT&T and Comcast with the same concept?
Congrats To Tigo. Tigo is going public via merger with a Roth Acquisition Corporation. The transaction has some unique concepts with less dilution than typical SPAC transactions and is expected to close in Q2 of 2023.
SEIA’s Energy Storage Division. I had the pleasure of being in DC for the SEIA board meeting yesterday and am excited to tell you all that I was elected as the Chair of the Energy Storage Division. This is an important time in the market, many in the solar industry are buying their first battery, investing billions of dollars thanks to the acceleration in the market from the IRA and amazing foundation created by the solar industry. The Solar+ Decade requires that we all work in perfect coordination and getting projects to work for the grid and consumers across the Country.
1 Axios:
NRG Energy to buy Vivint Smart Home for $2.8 billion
2 Solar Builder:
Tigo Energy is going public after ‘business combination’
3 Utility Dive:
10 must-read utility sector stories from 2022
4 Bloomberg:
Forrest Adds CWP’s Energy Assets in Australia Renewables Rush
5 Reuters:
Global renewable capacity growth set to double over next five years, says IEA
6 PV-Tech:
US looks to accelerate solar deployment on public land in the West, 1GW planned in Arizona
7 Energy Storage News:
Lithium battery pack prices go up for first time since BloombergNEF began annual survey
8 PV-Magazine:
Solar anti-circumvention ruling will not damage short-term module supply, but UFLPA might
9 New York Times:
Could Biden’s Climate Agenda Trigger a New Trade War?
Have a great day!
This is your SolarWakeup for December 6th, 2022
1 PV-Magazine:
Inside the IRA - Updated Energy Community maps and questions from Charles River Associates
2 Bloomberg:
EU Should Counter US Climate Law With Own Version, France Says
3 Axios:
North Carolina county may be days without power after “targeted” attack
4 Reuters:
U.S. will consider new priority areas for solar energy on public lands
5 PV-Tech:
Australian Energy Market Operator releases roadmap to 100%
6 renewables generation by 2025:
7 Energy Storage News:
New Jersey’s last coal power plant implodes to make way for energy storage
8 Canary Media:
Highway EV charging will need a ton of power — sooner than you think
Have a great day!
This is your SolarWakeup for December 5th, 2022
1 New York Times:
The Texas Group Waging a National Crusade Against Climate Action
2 Axios:
North Carolina county may be days without power after “targeted” attack
3 Bloomberg:
Longi Says US Finding on Tariff Evasion Won’t Impact Firm’s Plan
4 Utility Dive:
Texas lawmakers want to hit brakes on electricity market redesign, bring dispatchable generation online sooner
5 Reuters:
U.S. to expand solar panel tariffs after probe finds Chinese evasion
6 Grist:
The world’s insurance bill from natural disasters this year
7 PV-Tech:
China installed 58.2GW of solar in first ten months of 2022
8 Canary Media:
To get tax credits, clean-energy firms must soon meet labor standards
9 PV-Magazine:
Managing uncertainty in the solar module supply
Have a great day!
This is your SolarWakeup for December 2nd, 2022
1 Utility Dive:
NYISO warns of narrower reliability margins in the next 10 years as gas plants retire, electrification advances
2 San Diego Union Tribune:
Activists rally ahead of California Public Utilities Commission vote on new solar rules
3 Reuters:
U.S. to issue tariff decision on solar panels from Southeast Asia
4 PV-Magazine:
U.S. Customs releases UFLPA detained solar panels, said ROTH note
5 E&E News:
Biden begins new phase on climate action
6 Energy Storage News:
NREL- US utility-scale energy storage costs grew 11-13% in Q1 2022
7 Solar Builder:
How drastically California NEM 3.0 reduces solar energy export rates
8 PV-Tech:
Daqo signs two polysilicon supply agreements with Chinese solar manufacturers
9 Canary Media:
A giant clean-energy transmission line to New York City is now underway
10 Axios:
Airlines' next struggle? Where to plug in their planes
Have a great day!
This is your SolarWakeup for December 1st, 2022
1 Utility Dive:
Texas grid vulnerable to blackouts in extreme scenarios, ERCOT says as it adds storage to assessment
2 Bloomberg:
UK Utilities Get £22.2 Billion to Spend Boosting Local Grids
3 Reuters:
Equinor sticks to renewables profit goal amid bottlenecks and competition
4 PV-Magzine:
California rulemaking to cut solar net metering payments by 75%
5 Solar Builder:
VPPs are an emerging investment asset class
6 PV-Tech:
IRS issues wage, apprentice requirements for IRA incentives
7 Canary Media:
Kore Power raises $75M to build lithium-ion battery cells in Arizona
8 World Economic Forum:
How one Indian state is leading a solar power boom
Have a great day!
This is your SolarWakeup for November 30th, 2022
1 New York Times:
With Federal Aid on the Table, Utilities Shift to Embrace Climate Goals
2 Wall Street Journal:
Solar-Panel Shortage Snarls U.S. Green-Energy Plans
3 Solar Power World:
CALSSA makes final push for higher solar export rates in California’s NEM 3.0
4 GreenBiz:
What the world thinks about the new US electric vehicle tax plan
5 Bloomberg:
China’s Solar Giants Aren’t Rushing to Build Overseas Plants
6 PV-Tech:
US commercial solar capacity doubles in last 2.5 years, accounts for 14% of solar market
7 Canary Media:
Schools scramble to prepare for $1B in federal money for electric buses
8 Energy Storage News:
Philippines regulators consider energy storage ownership rules and definition
9 Washington Post:
Biden's clean-energy czar faces his toughest task yet
10 PV-Magazine:
The case for no anti-circumvention tariffs
Have a great day!
This is your SolarWakeup for November 29th, 2022
1 Utility Dive:
NYISO warns of high electricity prices as it forecasts sufficient supply to meet peak demand this winter
2 Solar Power World:
Moss enrolls first participants in new Florida solar apprenticeship program
3 Bloomberg:
China’s Covid Curbs to Upend Commodities Demand in Peak Season
4 Axios:
U.S. gives Chevron go ahead to pump oil in Venezuela again
5 PV-Tech:
US solar generation jumps 26% during first nine months of 2022 – EIA
6 Energy Storage News:
Enel Green Power building wind plus storage project in Chile
7 Canary Media:
Schools scramble to prepare for $1B in federal money for electric buses
8 PV-Magazine:
Which IRA credits offer greatest motivation to invest in clean energy?
9 Reuters:
Column - India's electricity shortage erased by renewables growth - Kemp
Have a great day!
This is your SolarWakeup for November 28th, 2022
1 Bloomberg:
Energy Security Is the Global Priority for 2023
2 New york Times:
U.S. Approves Aid to Extend Life of California Nuclear Plant
3 Utility Dive:
MISO power prices could remain high, go higher for years - Chatterjee, other Voltus panelists
4 PV-Magazine:
Hawaiian Electric selects seven solar and storage projects for LMI program
5 Axios:
COP27 summit yields historic deal on climate damage fund
6 PV-Tech:
DTEK poised to restart newly liberated Ukrainian PV plant despite damage
7 Energy Storage News:
US virtual power plant specialist Swell Energy raises US$120 million for 600MWh portfolio
8 Canary Media:
Thanksgiving conversation starters for clean-energy nerds
9 Reuters:
Low-carbon culture? Energy transitions urged to prioritise people
Have a great day!
This is your SolarWakeup for November 18th, 2022
1 Bloomberg:
Biden Climate Law Spurs at Least $16.2 Billion of Cleantech
2 PV-Tech:
Enel to build 3GW solar cell and module manufacturing factory in US
3 Utility Dive:
Inflation Reduction Act upends utility resource planning tenets - NARUC panelists
4 Solar Builder:
SEIA - Clarity needed in these areas to best implement IRA
5 Axios:
Historic snowstorm aims for Buffalo as unusual cold grips the U.S.
6 Reuters:
NY Public Service Commision moves ahead with four major wind projects
7 Energy Storage News:
Norwegian second life battery storage startup Evyon raises €8 million
8 PV-Magazine:
Is hydrogen about to have its solar moment?
9 Canary Media:
Why did Californians reject Prop 30 with its billions in EV funding?
Have a great day!
This is your SolarWakeup for November 17th, 2022
1 PV-Tech:
US and China are most attractive renewables markets, but world must decentralise grids – EY
2 Bloomberg:
US Backs Tough Fossil Fuel Phase Down Pledge at Climate Summit
3 New York Times:
Expectations Run High as an Exuberant Lula Speaks at Climate Summit
4 Axios:
G20 agreement clings to 1.5°C target
5 Reuters:
First Solar picks Alabama for new solar factory
6 Energy Storage News:
Energy Vault expands into Europe, green hydrogen and starts building gravity storage system in US
7 PV-Magazine:
Tackling soft costs and crossing “The Chasm” in U.S. residential solar adoption
8 Canary Media:
The used EV market can’t thrive without accurate battery-health data
Have a great day!