This is your SolarWakeup for July 25th, 2022





Have a great day!

This is your SolarWakeup for July July 22nd, 2022





Have a great day!

This is your SolarWakeup for July 21st, 2022

Building An Intelligent Grid. FlexGen is the most exciting company I’ve had the pleasure of working for and the past 18 months of watching the energy storage market take off has been incredible. Yesterday, we announced our Series C investment round of $100million anchored by Vitol. Our mission is the help our customers to build the most intelligent and resilient grid possible while maximizing the revenue opportunity for battery asset owners. While today’s environment is a challenging one, FlexGen is creating stability and bankability to build out the infrastructure of the future. Thank you to many of you on giving us the ability to work together and if you’re looking for guidance and support with you storage projects, I hope you reach out. We’ll be at RE+ (SPI) and look forward to many partnerships around the solar market.




Have a great day!

This is your SolarWakeup for July 20th, 2022





Have a great day!

This is your SolarWakeup for July 19th, 2022

Why Climate Remains Partisan Policy. It’s not lost on me that climate is a bipartisan polling topic but remains deeply partisan when it comes to passing in Congress. The conservative or libertarian argument for energy policy is clearly obvious while also being a great tool to offset inflation. Energy inflation topped 40% in the latest release and when it comes to solar, the fuel cost remains consistently free for the life of the asset, passing that cost through to consumers is good for everyone. Ultimately there are two things I see as the most pressing for Congress on solar and storage policies, first is a robust and permanent tax credit structure. Second is consistent and predictable supply chain systems that eliminate volatility as much as possible. Biden could do something about the latter, using some version of emergency proclamation that grants the executive branch legitimate powers to act. It’ll be up to Congress to act on the tax credit.




Have a great day!

This is your SolarWakeup for July 18th, 2022

We’re  Back! Thank you for letting SolarWakeup go on a brief break last week, back to our regular programming. Like many of you, I read the news brought to us by Senator Manchin. I’ll have some thoughts for your consideration tomorrow and would love to hear from you on the topic.




Have a great day!

This is your SolarWakeup for July 7th, 2022

The Grid Gets Managed By. In my work I have gotten to see and read about all different ways that electric regulators go about managing the grid infrastructure. France is going back to pre-monopoly days of making it the State’s business to run the grid. Meanwhile deregulated markets are seeing the most innovation coming in from energy storage with investor owned utilities really picking up the resilience focus as well. One of the hardest aspects of the planning work comes from the other end of the wire, demand response and distributed resources. When the grid was built there was very little focus or opportunity for shaping demand, only generation could be shaped against the potential demand. One thing is for sure, both ends of the wire will get focus from regulators and no one way of managing a grid will be used everywhere.




Have a great day!

This is your SolarWakeup for July 6th, 2022





Have a great day!

This is your SolarWakeup for July 5th, 2022

Happy 4thI spent the weekend in DC and there is a balance of functionality in a dysfunctional town. During a holiday weekend, you get to see how well DC prepares for the influx of tourists that want to see the festivities. That’s the thing with creating a functional system, you prepare a process that puts you in position to succeed. The struggle that’s filling the economy today is the unknown unknowns, things that are not prepared for. It would be great to have a solar and storage market that can get a decade of certainty without fights and unknowns.




Have a great day!

This is your SolarWakeup for July 1st, 2022





Have a great day!