This is your SolarWakeup for February 7th, 2022

Installers First, Always. Over the past year, the team as CommonBond has worked to understand how to make lending for solar installers easier, faster and cheaper. That culminated in the public announcement that CommonBond has started serving the solar market and wants you, the installer, to learn more about the offerings that are available. To learn more about the CommonBond platform and products, contact us here




Have a great day!

This is your SolarWakeup for February 4th, 2022

Installers First, Always. Over the past year, the team as CommonBond has worked to understand how to make lending for solar installers easier, faster and cheaper. That culminated in the public announcement that CommonBond has started serving the solar market and wants you, the installer, to learn more about the offerings that are available. To learn more about the CommonBond platform and products, contact us here




Have a great day!

This is your SolarWakeup for February 3rd, 2022

New Fintech In Solar. Today’s top story is a great one, it signifies another leap in the maturity of the solar market. CommonBond, a leading fintech company in consumer lending, is coming into solar and bringing their technology prowess to solar installers. Having a diversified lending platform leveraging their existing investments pays off for installers because of their knowledge on how to get deals done quickly and efficiently, resulting in more volume and margins for installers. SolarWakeup is happy to play a role in connecting this opportunity for the solar community, you can check them out on their launch site here.

Nextracker To Spin Off. Almost a year ago, right here on SolarWakeup we told you that Nextracker should look at the strategic opportunity to become a standalone public company. With a new investment from a major private equity firm, Dan Shugar and his team will do just that. Put me into the unsurprised column, though the public market timing isn’t fantastic at the moment which means they may hold off for a better time in the market.




Have a great day!

This is your SolarWakeup for February 2nd, 2022

Tariffs Have Failed, Time To Change Tactic. Since the first anti-dumping duty was put on solar modules, the policy push to make the US the center of the manufacturing universe for solar has failed. The second set of duties didn’t help and 201 just made it worse. Nobody remembers Suniva and SolarWorld and how they were central to this fight, they are long gone. At the same time this trade war has slowed the fight against climate change, cost job creation and crushed the US silicon manufacturing success that existed. Help US solar manufacturers with tax credits instead of increasing the cost of solar to every American.

The New Push To Get Green BBB Passed. Environmental groups are taking the fight to the DC airwaves and arguing for the climate edition of build back better to get passed. This is the new tactic to bring BBB to the floor in pieces instead of a grand social benefits bill, which has failed to gain traction in Joe Manchin’s Senate office.




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This is your SolarWakeup for February 1st, 2022





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This is your SolarWakeup for January 31st, 2022





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This is your SolarWakeup for January 28th, 2022





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This is your SolarWakeup for January 27th, 2022





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This is your SolarWakeup for January 26th, 2022

Learn how to effectively model, and finance, solar EV charging projects using SCF's free software, the SCF Suite. On January 26th, at 10am PST, Sustainable Capital Finance (SCF) will host the first webinar in its 2022 webinar series, providing an in-depth breakdown of SCF's new EV charging finance solution, how to use the SCF Suite to price projects and integrate EVC finance projects to C&I and non-profit customers. This webinar is recommended for solar developers & installers interested in combined solar+storage+EVC finance offerings. To join this exciting, free webinar, simply Click here




Have a great day!

This is your SolarWakeup for January 25th, 2022

Learn how to effectively model, and finance, solar EV charging projects using SCF's free software, the SCF Suite. On January 26th, at 10am PST, Sustainable Capital Finance (SCF) will host the first webinar in its 2022 webinar series, providing an in-depth breakdown of SCF's new EV charging finance solution, how to use the SCF Suite to price projects and integrate EVC finance projects to C&I and non-profit customers. This webinar is recommended for solar developers & installers interested in combined solar+storage+EVC finance offerings. To join this exciting, free webinar, simply Click here




Have a great day!