Disappointing news from D.C., and it isn’t about the shutdown. The Senate (or K Street) has pushed hard enough on Ron Binz to get him to withdraw from being considered as Chair of FERC. It is becoming apparent that the battles will be fought at utility commissions, with the key players being the commissioners. Ron Binz was widely known for his work on Colorado’s solar policies which also led to his demise. The solar industry was unable and lacked activism to push for his confirmation, a lesson learned for us all.
- USA Today: Nominee for energy regulatory post withdraw
- Bloomberg: AZ Regulators Recommend Rejecting Cut to APS’s Solar Rates
- Ventura Star: Utilities commission to take up solar power issues
- Greentech Media: 6 Perspectives on the Fate of Utilities
- RE World: What the US Government Shutdown Means for Renewable Energy
- Greentech Media: Solar Module Industry Leery of SEIA’s China Trade Plan
- ABC: Utilities, Solar Companies in Fight Over Rates
- Bloomberg: Exploding Fuel Tankers Driving U.S. Army to Solar Power
Have a great day!